Is a sewing pattern infringing on something copyrighted? - waldorf doll pattern
I have a blog you do not have patterns and instructions. I have a little set of propaganda in a blog a few weeks ago who told me he was working on a model doll sewing an average animal / human wrist. This is a Waldorf-style doll. I've never had one on each side of the model I see it, but someone who has done this sort of dolls and sells them says, I am violated their copyrights, not "copy" of the original design.
My final product is not as chief of a fashion doll for sale. And I had no prior knowledge of the work of that person or seen his work until it passed me by e-mail. So, as it may be a violation of copyright?
I have the impression that you think you have bought dolls (about $ 100 a doll), and then copy the dismembered parts in a pattern fashion. I was the design of this model very sporadically over the years by designing parts to sew and then see whether a particular model works best.
Do you have a patent or a property? (In this case, it can still happen). On the patent rights of the pattern to sew Try yourself. Quickly as possible. May was still problems in court, if it is determined before you used previously documented. Consult a patent attorney, but it can be expensive. It is not uncommon for two people, the same idea at the same time. What you need to do is the priority for the legal resources available.
Do you have a patent or a property? (In this case, it can still happen). On the patent rights of the pattern to sew Try yourself. Quickly as possible. May was still problems in court, if it is determined before you used previously documented. Consult a patent attorney, but it can be expensive. It is not uncommon for two people, the same idea at the same time. What you need to do is the priority for the legal resources available.
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