Sunday, January 10, 2010

St Louis Supercross Is The Amtrack Station In St Louis Within Walking Distance To The Metrolink?

Is the amtrack station in St Louis within walking distance to the metrolink? - st louis supercross

We try to take our son to St. Louis on the train, and know the need to consider whether it would be possible without a car. It would also, no decent hotel within walking distance of the Metrolink, which are at a reasonable price also be useful.


redhed31... said...

The Metrolink from Union Station is five minutes walk from the Amtrak station. Here is a map: ...

As for hotels, here is a list of hotels near the Amtrak station. Hope this helps! ...

Diane M said...

There were only a few minutes walk from the Amtrak Station to the subway at Union Station. It is a fair price, just behind Drury Inn Union Station.

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